FAQ on Meditation 027

I have read many articles on the effects of meditation and even science shows us that meditation can reduce stress and depression in the people affected by these conditions. Do you have to be a person with serious problems to get any benefit from meditation or can normal people benefit too?

More than 150 pieces of research have been conducted on meditation by scientists since 1935. Meditatation has indeed been shown to help people with physical and spiritual problems. Meditation has been shown to reduce stress, anxiety, depression, aggression, neuroticism and addictions. Meditation has also been shown to increase mental stability, self-actualization, self-confidence, sociability and scores on intelligence tests. As for people who do not consider themselves to have problems, meditation has also helped to create more happiness and fulfilment in life. Meditatin has helped to increase peoplesํ flexibility to environmental change, boosted performance in sports, improved job satisfaction, increased work production efficiency, development of work skills and study scores. Some of the most convincing scientific evidence that meditation benefits the lives of normal people, is the research by Pupatana and Sribundith reported in The Light of Peace 8, p8-10 which shows clearly that those who previously lacked a variety of virtues in their character and personality, managed to increase their virtue as the result of six weeks on a Dhammakaya meditation course. In fact, you can get benefit from meditation at your own level of spiritual health, no matter what your starting point. If you are a person in suffering, meditation can help you to reduce that suffering. If you are a person who already experiences happiness, meditation can enhance that happiness further. As we have seen from the scientific evidence, if you have the problems of stress of depression, meditation can help you to overcome these. If on the contrary you are someone who has no problems, but you want to develop your personality or improve your character further, then meditation can also help you to increase the level of virtues you possess. You donํt need to be a person with problems to benefit from meditation ๓ but whatever you have will certainly be enhanced and improved.


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