FAQ on Meditation 012

Are there any prohibitions which the meditator should observe?

Let's say there are no prohibitions, but there is a baseline of decency towards all sentient life, which all meditators should observe. There are called the "Five rules of training" or "Five Precepts" namely:

1. To abstain from killing or taking the lives of others;

2. To abstain from taking things which are not giving, thieving or stealing the property of others;

3. To abstain from sexual relationships outside marriage;

4. To abstain from telling lies;

5. To abstain from consuming alcohol or drugs which destroy the state of awareness.

Besides following these rules of training, you should be kind and ready to help other people. This should be your base-line of normal behaviour as a sentient human being. If you follow these natural norms of behaviour, you will find that your meditation improves a lot.


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