FAQ on Meditation 009

Is there any relationship between Dhammakaya meditation and the cultivation of life-force in the Chinese art of Qi-gong?

The two techniques are close to each other in a certain way: but there are some differences too. The similarity between the two techniques is that they both emphasize a single point: the centre of the body. Dhammakaya meditation focuses at a point two finger breadths above the navel. Qi-gong focuses at a point two finger breadths below the navel. There is however a difference between the aims of the two techniques. The Dhammakaya meditation pays more attention to spiritual attainments, with this technique the effects of meditation are more far-reaching and can bring the body into a state of balance. Chinese martial arts are generally practised simply with the aim to cultivate the life-force and cultivate well-being and longevity of the physical body; perhaps the spiritual benefits come later. .


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