FAQ on Meditation 008

Is Dhammakaya meditation compatible with a mindfulness of breathing?

Certainly. You can this by placing your awareness at the centre of your body. You can feel the full extent of the breath, from the beginning to the end. Aanaapaanasati means the awareness of in-and-out breathing. So you can call Dhammakaya meditation, aanaapaanasati or mindfullness of breathing. However, there is more to Dhammakaya meditation than this. Dhammakaya meditation also employs the practise of visualization using "kasina" (concentration on a subject or image which we use as a nucleus for our awareness), which is internal to our body. Above all, the most important thing about the Dhammakaya meditation technique is that the awareness is placed at the centre of the body. With the attention here, inside the body, instead of outside the body (as is generally the case with aanaapaanasati meditation), you can create not only concentration but also self-awareness.


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