Beginners Course (Meditation Focused Course)

This course is of 7 days duration and is focused towards positively improving your health and well-being. As we all know, our modern 24 hour world can be fraught with stress and problems. In order to combat the negative impact on our health and life, the more we can slow down and relax, the better our life will be.

This beginners course will enable you to learn how to relax physically and utilize your body relaxation to strengthen many other general health and well-being aspects.

On an emotional and mental level, meditation can help you to feel calmer and more steady which can give you a true, deep sense of well-being and happiness. When you feel less stressed, you will be able to deal with problems more easily, sleep better and become calmer all round. This can also help tremendously to improve your personal, family and work relationships.

So, whatever your life style, meditation can enrich your life in every way. Give it a try and don't believe us, come and try for yourself. 'Don't Delay, start Mediation Today'.

‘Meditation Focused Course’ Daily Schedule

05.00 Wake up
05.30 Meditation Session
06.15 Exercise
07.00 Breakfast
09.00 Meditation Instruction
09.30 Meditation Session
11.00 Lunch
12.30 Personal time
14.00 Meditation Session
15.00 ‘Meditation and self-development’ Lecture
16.00 Personal Time/Group discussion
17.30 Refreshment
19.00 Meditation Session
20.00 ‘Timeless Principles of Inspirational Leaders’ Lecture
21.00 Personal Time
21.30 Sleep in Peace


ปัญหาและเฉลยวิชาธรรม นักธรรมชั้นตรี สอบในสนามหลวง วันอังคาร ที่ ๒๙ กันยายน พ.ศ.๒๕๕๒

I miss you all กับ I miss all of you ต่างกันอย่างไร

ปัญหาและเฉลยวิชาอนุพุทธประวัติ นักธรรมชั้นโท สอบในสนามหลวง วันอาทิตย์ ที่ ๒๐ พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. ๒๕๔๘